Originally, after massage school, my first job was at a Chiropractic/Massage Health Clinic. For 17 years I was exposed to clients with a variety of injuries and issues. I gained confidence working with pain and tension issues. In the back of my mind I wished for a way to offer guests a Vacation-like experience for their massage time. Injuries were important. But so is a chance for everyone to relax well. As fate would have it, I spent 5 years working for a high end spa. Many new techniques were available to me. I have brought many of those home with me to my home office, in the Northgate area of North Seattle. I hope you enjoy: Heated massage table, heated oil, steamed towels, aroma therapy oils and lotions, and much, much, more. Sincerely, Mark E. Hughes, L.M.P.
Swedish Full Body Massage - a relaxing massage treatment for the whole body. Deep Tissue Massage - a treatment for specific areas of spasm and pain. Cupping Therapy (reverse pressure) - Used to treat pain, tension and swelling. Kinesio Taping (TM) - KT tape can reduce pain, assist muscle movement, and reduce swelling/bruises. Normally, I use a combination of all of the above, as I see suits you. If you have a preference, just let me know.