The Department of Nutritional Sciences separated from Hospitality and Retail Management, and continues to be housed in the Texas Tech University College of Human Sciences (COHS). The department has very strong undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D., and dietetics programs, which includes more than 700 undergraduate and 75 graduate students from several nationalities, and faculty members who are internationally known for research and award winning teachers. Many faculty members are leaders in their professional organizations at state, national or international levels. Research expertise of faculty members of Nutritional Sciences range from molecular biology, animal models, clinical studies to community nutrition and their research collaborations include researchers from many countries such as Sri Lanka, Sweden, Brazil, China, and South Korea. Research focus areas include community nutrition, biochemical and molecular nutrition as well as clinical nutrition. The department has matching facilities and equipment including several recently renovated basic science laboratories with very modern equipment, dedicated clinical research facilities, and teaching laboratories.