When I started working in the Carpet Repair and Stretching business in 1983 there was still a lot of shag carpeting popular in the 1970's in peoples homes. I have seen carpet backing change from jewt backing { natural backing made from treebark} to synthetic backing known as action back. Difference being the synthetic backing would not mildew, jewt would mildew when drying on its own.
At Dallas Carpet Patching we have mastered the technique of carpet blend patching, when you have our company out for any type of carpet patch you can count on us and our devotion in setting a higher standard in our industry. Our carpet patching goes virtually undetected. When you expect the best carpet repairs and patching go with the pros with a proven track record. We are a family owned business ( you do not see much of that anymore ) of 33+ years. Some people do not seem to realize that these huge corporations from all over the country hire sub contractors. The disadvantage to that is theirs a huge overhead before the sub contractor gets paid. Way into the millions for internet advertising and then the sub contractor has to charge enough to cover his expenses. Hard to calculate any savings will be passed on to the customer. More importantly should we not keep Texas dollars in Texas?