Karen Donoughe, Licensed Acupuncturist, established Balance Acupuncture Pittsburgh, in order to provide effective and affordable healthcare to the Pittsburgh area.
Balance Acupuncture is a patient-focused practice committed to improving health and treating a variety of illnesses. Karen Donoughe, L.Ac., accomplishes this by listening to the needs of her patients and creating treatments that help the body to reach a healthy, balanced state. Areas of specialty include: *Addiction *Anxiety & Depression *Arthritis, Tendonitis, & Joint pain *Asthma & Allergies *Cardiac Palpitations *Chemotherapy related side-effects *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome *Common Cold & Influenza *Degenerative Disk Disorders *Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control *Fibromyalgia *Headaches & Migraines *Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) *Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation *Infertility *Insomnia *Menopause Symptoms *Musculoskeletal pain *Nausea *Neuropathy and Balance Issues *Orthopedic Conditions *Pregnancy related conditions *PMS & Menstrual Irregularity *Repetitive stress injuries *Sports Injuries *Tension / Stress Syndromes *Tinnitus