I have been practicing Bowen since 2012, the results I was getting with my clients over and over is what led me to teach this amazing technique. I have been teacing the basic Bowen Technique since 2015.
Find out how rewarding it is to add Bowen Therapy to your massage practice. Bowen is a move that manipulates the fascia, muscles and tendons over the meridian systems to send a signal to the brain to release, reset and relax the nervous systems. With a series of Bowen moves, you will learn a pattern to address the entire body, combined with your own massage technique making any session, the perfect Bowsage Experience. I offer a live 2 day class approved by the NCBTMB and GA massage boards. I am certified to perform and train Bowsage Therapy to other licensed therapists for on-going CE's or to individuals looking to keep their family healthy utilizing this powerful tool.