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Computing Reviews (CR) is a trusted source for accessing current research, theory, and applications in all subdisciplines of computing. With a team of expert reviewers, CR provides unbiased critical reviews of noteworthy publications in the field, catering to both specialists and generalists who seek a comprehensive overview of computing developments. By promoting the exchange of ideas and fostering communities of computer scientists, CR aims to isolate quality materials and illuminate the ever-evolving landscape of computing. As a collaboration between ThinkLoud, Inc. and the Association for Computing Machinery, Computing Reviews compiles reviews from various category editors, covering topics such as hardware, software, data, artificial intelligence, and more. With a focus on providing valuable insights and opinions, CR ensures that each review represents the reviewer's perspective, while also allowing for author rebuttals and re-rebuttals. Through its dedication to excellence and commitment to the advancement of computing, Computing Reviews remains a trusted resource for staying informed in the rapidly evolving world of technology.Generated from the website