Nick & Nora is a renowned lifestyle brand that originated in New York City in 1975. Founded by Steven Abrams (Nick) and Linda Rae Tepper (Nora), the brand initially gained recognition for its vintage fashion eyewear and later expanded into accessories, pajamas, and boxer shorts. With a design philosophy centered around impressing the customer, Nick & Nora has become a beloved name in the industry, offering whimsical and conversational designs that have earned them accolades and a permanent place in the F.I.T Museum.
Under the strategic vision of Abrams, Nick & Nora evolved into a lifestyle brand, licensing their extensive library of print designs to expand beyond sleepwear and loungewear. Today, the brand encompasses a wide range of products, including home decor, kitchenware, bath accessories, bedding, dinnerware, and children's sleepwear. With a loyal following who adore their unique prints, Nick & Nora continues to captivate customers with their distinctive and playful designs that can be found in homes and wardrobes around the world.
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