Laughing Buddha Comedy (LBC) was founded by stand up comedian Jeff Lawrence in 2009. Known as a community of comics, with thousands of comedians LBC was founded as an answer to overcrowded schools that often cram over 20 comics into a class and whose primary purpose is to bring business to comedy clubs. LBC focuses on the craft as all classes are taught by experts in their area in a fun, supportive, and professional environment. Students have the opportunity not only to learn, but to perform in front of and meet club owners, bookers, casting directors, and talent agents from some of the largest and most reputable companies in entertainment. LBC comics have appeared on MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, Letterman, the Tonight Show, and in various commercials, film and TV projects. In addition, the classes have been featured on the front pages of The Wall St. Journal and the Tampa Bay Times. Everyday Magazine with Rachael Ray even branded the comedy school