Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Acupuncturist
HistorySister Doctors April Frerking Radatz & Stacy Frerking, sisters, moved from Branson to San Diego, California to attain their Masters' Degrees (MSTOM-Masters of Science of Traditional Oriental Medicine). After completing California state boards, National boards and being licensed in MO & CA they decided to move to their hometown and open a clinic with a unique clinical module to get results without side effects. Both are Doctors of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with specialty fellowship ABORM.SpecialtiesMissouri's First and Only Doctors with their specialties and boards. Traditional Oriental Medicine, TCM, Acupuncture, Chinese Customized Herbal Formulas, Pulse and Tongue Diagnostics, Cupping, Gua Sha. Conditions Frequently and Effectively Treated Include: Mental/Emotional: Depression, Post-partum depression, Anxiety, Stress Panic Attacks, Worrying, Lack of Joy, Overthinking. Pain Relief: Acute, Chronic, Post-operative, Headaches, Migraines. Premenopausal Fertility Support, Female Hormonal Imbalances: Dysmenorrhea (painful/clotted/heavy periods), Amenorrhea, PMS, Bloating, Food cravings. Postmenopausal: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Anxiety. Digestive Disorders: Bloating, Abdominal Discomfort, Alternating constipation/diarrhea, Fatigue after eating. Other: Insomnia, Fatigue, Lack of energy, Food cravings.