Dr. Susan Crump-Baker started in 1968 with her father, who was also a Chiropractic Doctor, in practice. Dr. Dennis Baker joined in 1977 and married Dr. Susan. Baker Chiropractic continued to grow with Dr. Mark Baker in 1985 . There are 3 generations of Chiropractic doctors within the Baker Family now in different parts of the country today. Education is always ongoing and important to them as well for their patients as well as students and Doctors.
Currently, we have 2 Doctors of Chiropractic and 5 Certified Colon Therapist including 2 RN's on staff to serve your health care needs. We Offer: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Colon Irrigation, Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy, Ionic Foot Baths, Far Infrared sauna, Chi machine, Foot Leveler Orthotics, Nutritional Guidence and Supplements and Essential oil consultant and Raindrop Therapy and so much more!