Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that has grown and flourished in China for about 5,000 years. It is a branch of medicine, the same as herbal medicine, surgery or internal medicine. They all are intended to relieve human suffering and cure disease.
Acupuncture is different because patients do not take medicine but receive needles which pierce the skin by musculature along with other special treatments to attain the healing effect.
More than a technique of inserting tiny thread like needles along meridian lines of the body, acupuncture's complex system of diagnostic modalities take into consideration the person as a whole, not just isolated symptoms. Acupuncture's practice is based on discerning the "pattern of disharmony " and treating it accordingly. ,
Modern acupuncture utilizes other modalities as well, such as herbal medicine and moxibustion, exercise and nutrition.
• Injuries: Auto, Sport, Work
• Chronic Fartigue • Illnesses
• Adjunctive Cancer Care • Headaches/Migranes
• Frozen Shoulder
•Sleep Disorders
• Stroke Sequela
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