For more than twenty- five years the Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center--a non-profit, charitable organization--has served the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allied community of southwest Michigan. We started in 1987 with the Lesbian/Gay Resource Line and a simple two-page newsletter. In 1992 we began sponsoring a Youth Group. During the '80s and '90s we held GLBT proms and New Year's Eve dinners and dances as community events and fundraisers. In 1997 we moved into our first office in the CARES building at 629 Pioneer Street, and in 1999 we hired our first staff member, Executive Director Sharon Roepke. Since then we have developed many new programs designed to reach out to various groups. And, in 2017, we changed our name to OutFront Kalamazoo to be more inclusive and we moved to new, bigger offices in downtown Kalamazoo at 340 S Rose Street.
Formerly the Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center and still serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community of greater Kalamazoo and their friends and allies.