Founded in 1972 by a group of 16 families, Temple Beth Torah is a conservative Jewish temple with a congregation of over 200 families from Holliston, Ashland, Milford, Medway, Millis, Hopkinton. TBT also houses the Morris Nirenberg Religious School, which has 130 children in the Beth Torah Tots (preschool), Gan (Kindergarten), Aleph (grade 1), Bet (grade 2), Hebrew school (grades 3-7) and Bar and Bat Mitzvah training programs. Additionally, there are early childhood (Small World Shabbat, Young Family High Holidays Service, Weekly Torah Tots, Torah Explorers), United Synagogue Youth-affiliated youth (Kadima, Junior and Senior USY), Adult Education and adult Brotherhood and Sisterhood programs. Shabbat services are held Friday nights (7:15 p.m. and Saturdays mornings (10 a.m.), while morning Minyan is offered Wednesdays (6:45 a.m.).