This business is accredited with the BBB, AMTA, Nationally Certified It is known for Orthopedic Massage & Pain Management, dealing with issues such as: Tendinitis: Rotator Cuff, Whip lash, Piriformis syndrome, Pelvic Stabilization, Structural Intergration and much more!
This is a Massage therapy business that specialties include, but are not limited to are: Orthopedic Massage and Pain Management. It's main focus is on Medical issues. Clients with injuries are evaluated with a full history and orthopedic testing, range of motion to the joints to evaluate the restriction of the muscle,tendon or joint. Pelvic Stabilization, structural intergration, joint capsule modification, PNF stretching, myofacial, trigger point therapy, effleurage, and neuro-muscular education are all blended with a specialty massage, such as Orthopedic. The client is givin a specific massage therapy treatment for their injury: That massage is followed up with a home care plan of how to stretch muscles that are tight and when pain free, the client is given a treatment plan to strengthen the muscles that are weak and over stretched. This is a clean, warm and professional environment. Client is given immediate attention, with no waiting! You will be pleased with your results!