The Department of Public Works (DPW) is made up of several working divisions including administration, engineering, highway/water/sewer, properties and natural resources. The engineering department at the Grove Street office is where to go for CRT/appliance stickers.
The DPW has 121 full-time personnel. The divisions are:
- The Highway Division: responsible for the maintenance of over 100 miles of roadway and support equipment and machinery. It handles street cleaning, snow and ice and ongoing road projects.
- Recycling Division: Recycling in Arlington includes yard waste, trash collection, white goods, household hazardous waste, CRT/TV collection and more.
- The Water & Sewer Division: Maintains an extensive system of water, sewer and hydrants. Arlington relies on its delivery of water and processing of sewerage from the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA).
- Parks & Fields: Arlington has over 150 acres of Park area including the newly renovated McClennen Field.
- Trees: under the Natural Resources Division.
- Mt. Pleasant Cemetery: established in the 1840's, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery is a non-denominational cemetery serving the residents of Arlington.