Hi my name is Gwen Jones - I am a medical practitioner and also trained in Natural Health Care. At Take A New Approach we are bridging Traditional Health Practices with Allopathic Medicine to help treat the whole body. We mainly use education and nutrition to support the body in healing, along with clinical services. We consider ourselves a Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Center - Our unique cutting edge services include, Bio-Feedback or Bio-Communication Health Assessments with Nutritional & Clinical Support. We offer Therapeutic Massage, Relaxation and Deep Tissue Massages and Reiki (which is a type of healing touch that is applied to the body). We provide other clinical supporting services, like Ionic Foot Detox Baths to assist the body in detoxing, Medi-Cupping (a type of cup that has a vacuum suction that is gentled moved across the skin to help release Myofascial adhesions in addition to helping move stagnation in the lyphatic system. We provide food allergy testing, parasite testing, hormone testing, thyroid testing. We have on-call Nurse Practitioner(s), a phlebotomist, for these services as needed. We also provide out-patient Occupational Therapy.