We are blessed in Hawaii to have the ocean, breezy winds, and beautiful landscapes, but some of the luxuries we enjoy help contribute to the loss of efficiency of your solar panels. US Department of Energy figures show that windborne dust alone can reduce panel efficiency by 7%. When water spots, dirt, dust, salt spray, pollen, bird droppings, fallen leaves, and other airborne particles collect on your panels, you can lose up to 25% efficiency. It may be even more depending on your surroundings and location. High wind, dusty areas, and homes near the ocean, are locations with higher levels of efficiency lost. Some of these obstructions like salt spray and water spots can lead to permanent damage on your panels glass.
Our strategy is to help our customers save money through their PV systems. Regular cleanings will not only save you money month to month on your electric bill, but will also maintain the sustainability of your costly investment.