The Norskevenner Lodge is the merger of two previous Sons of Norway lodges, the Vennekretsen lodge in Atlanta and the Trondheim lodge in Roswell. The original Georgia lodge, Vennekretsen, was founded in 2009 and the Trondheim lodge was founded in 2015. Both lodges merged in 2017 and decided to take a new name: Norskevenner.
We are a fraternal organization for people who want to celebrate their Norwegian culture. You don't even have to be Norwegian to join, just have an interest in Norwegian culture, history, language or food. The Sons of Norway Norskevenner Lodge meets on the third Saturday or each month in the barn activity room of Barrington Hall in Roswell, GA. Barrington Hall's address is 535 Barrington Dr. in Roswell, 30075. Call lodge president, Bill Browning at 404-953-2525 for further information