Delauro Rosa Friends is a prominent political organization based in New Haven, CT, dedicated to advocating for the well-being of the community. Led by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, the organization focuses on issues such as education, healthcare, job creation, and renewable energy. With a strong commitment to helping working and middle-class families, Delauro Rosa Friends strives to create opportunities and improve the lives of individuals in the district.
Under the leadership of Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Delauro Rosa Friends works tirelessly to address the needs of the community, advocating for affordable healthcare, higher education accessibility, and a thriving middle-class. With a focus on clean and renewable energy, the organization aims to create sustainable jobs and enhance the nation's energy security. Through their efforts, Delauro Rosa Friends plays a vital role in shaping policies and initiatives that benefit the people of Connecticut's 3rd Congressional District.
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