After trying western medications for pain & inflammation due to a torn ligament in my wrist (which didn't help the wrist, but hurt my stomach), I tried acupuncture. Within 6 8 treatments the pain was minimal, and after 6 months of treatments the tear was healed. Through my own healing process I fell in love with the medicine. I began my studies soon after. I moved to Durango shortly after finishing my Masters program in Traditional Chinese medicine and have been practicing for over 18 years.
Acupuncture assists the body to heal & restore itself. Thin, sterile, disposable needles are inserted to points on the body. It heals pain & illness by removing blockages, allowing Qi to flow freely. It relieves pain & stress, stimulates nerves, activates blood & lymphatic circulation, & improves metabolism & immune system. Major benefits: pain relief, stress reduction, & treatment & prevention of disease. Cupping uses suction cups over large muscular areas to enhance Qi & blood flow, helping increase lymph flow through the body. It's excellent for detoxification, reducing inflammation, muscle pain, arthritis, reducing fever, colds, flu, & asthma. Gua Sha is repeated pressure strokes over lubricated skin with a smooth tool. It promotes Qi & blood circulation. It's used for headaches, fevers, inflammation, muscle & tendon injuries, stiffness, pain, cough, asthma & bronchitis. Qigong clears Qi blockages, allowing it to flow in perfect balance, bringing the body, mind & spirit into health, vitality, & inner peace. It addresses the root of the imbalance, so once healed, the imbalance won't return. It is able to integrate the physical, mental & energetic areas of the body with gentle movement, breath work, & visualization. It keeps the channels clear & energizes the Qi. Medical Qigong healing is extraordinary. I'm certified in Red Hat Qigong, a hands-on energy technique that removes blockages & assists in the smooth flow of Qi on physical, emotional & spiritual levels.