Dr. Lin took over her friend's office, Started Lin Acupuncture in 2004. This clinic was originally started in Soquel since 1978. One of earliest Acupuncture clinic in the arena. Due to increase of referrals and demand on this side of the hill. New satellite office is opened in San Jose for convenience of patients.
We specialize in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Gua Sha treatments. Our Dr. Lisa Lin has her Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine. Licensed Acupuncturist. 3rd Generation Herbalist. Our other office established in Soquel for more than 30 years. We accept all PPO Insurance includes Aetna, ASH, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Health Net, Landmark, United Healthcare.. Also accept HSA, Auto Injuries and Worker Compensation cases.