we started our business because the owner Chris saw a need for a higher quality fun surf lesson experience, because he noticed the competition he was working for was very expensive and dangerously unprofessional. So with one craigslist ad, our first student signed up and we never looked back, we have grown into a full year round surf school, which teaches locals, and tourists alike and gives a high quality surf lesson with enthusiastic experienced well trained instructors. We have also expanded into surf coaching, surf video and photography, and added a great surf rental program where we come to you with boards and wetsuits. In 2014 we are now the #1 Surf School in Orange County, and in the San Clemente area.
surf lessons, surfboard and wetsuit rentals, private surf lessons, group surf lessons, surf team, and surf coaching, large group events, cooperate events, bachelor and bachelorette groups, surf photography, GoPro video, custom surf photography shoots, lifestyle surf photography photos