The Red Bluff Round-Up is a renowned rodeo event that has established itself as one of the top 25 professional rodeos in America, featuring thrilling competitions such as bull riding, bronc riding, barrel racing, and more. This historic rodeo also showcases the talents of young cowboys and cowgirls in events like mutton busting and Wild Pony Races, while the Sunday WILD RIDE adds a touch of excitement with cowboys dressed in costumes before taking on the bucking chutes.
With its reputation as one of the larger PRCA rodeos, the Red Bluff Round-Up expects another record-breaking year in attendance, offering online ticket options to skip the lines and a clear bag policy to ensure a smooth entry process for all spectators. As the event approaches its 103rd edition, the Red Bluff Round-Up continues to captivate rodeo enthusiasts with its rich history and thrilling displays of cowboy skills.
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