Physiopuncture was created by the desire to keep finding the most effective and efficient ways to help the body heal and return to a pain-free and healthy state. After graduating with a degree in Physical Therapy, Jared studied manual therapy extensively and learned how to address and treat many of the tissues in the body including muscle, bone, vascular tissue, lymphatic tissue, and organs. Feeling that there was more to learn about the body, he discovered Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine which opened him up to a new system of medicine and way to view the body. Jared moved to San Francisco to study Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and now combines the Chinese Medicine with Physical Therapy to get a more complete healing of the body.
Physiopuncture is the unique combination of Physical Therapy and Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. The Physical Therapy aspect specializes in a non-aggressive and gentle form of manual therapy called Integrative Manual Therapy that gets to the root of the problem. Specialties include Sports Medicine, Pain, and Digestive problems.