We specialize in TCM Dermatology, Fertility, Women's Health, Pain management and Stress management, and Facial Acupuncture. We also treat many other conditions. TCM dermatology: Though very popular in China, it is not well known in the western world.Chinese herbs are very effective for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc with close to no side effects. Fertility: Acupuncture and Chinese herbs bring the chances of conception to a much higher percentage no matter if a natural conception is desired or with assisted methods. Women's health: Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very effective in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, etc. Pain and stress manangement: Acupuncture calms both conditions in a very effective way. Facial Acupuncture: Beauty comes from within. With Facial Acupuncture, the whole body is treated as well as the face. When the body is balanced, it will show on the face. Facial Acupuncture also helps to lift, reduce wrinkles and bring a healthy glow to the complexion.