At Advanced Acupuncture, The goal of our treatments is to enhance each person's physical and emotional well-being in order to improve and maintain harmony with our inner and outer world. We are specialists in acupuncture, women & men's health, pain management, spinal care, post operative care, gastrointestinal disorder, neurological disorder, and chakra balancing. If you don't know which treatment you need, we'll take the time to study your symptoms and determine the treatment, pressure, temperature, and motion best suited for your body's condition.
Let Dr. Lee help you! Dr. Lee specializes in pain management and internal medicine. This includes Allergies, Prostate & Impotence, Insomnia, cardiovascular, Women & Men's Health. Using a gentle and individualized approach, Dr. Lee partners with you to restore health. By integrating the best practices of traditional medicine and applying them to modern lifestyles, we can get you on the road to optimal wellness. Our goal of treatment is to alleviate current symptoms while also treating the underlying cause-this results in long term improvement and prevention. Specializing in the following areas : - Women & Men's Health - Cupping Therapy - Neuropathy Symptoms - Chronic Fatigue & Insomnia - Prostate Diseases & Impotence - Pain Management - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Allergies - Infertility - Stress Management