Food is now distributed on Mondays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Identification is required for new clients, including a photo I.D. and proof of address, such as a current utility bill. In 2019, the pantry is serving an average of 100 families a week, including single parents, the working poor, senior citizens, disabled, unemployed persons and the homeless. Action Food Pantry accepts clients from anywhere, and does not limit their length of time that a client may use it's services. The ACTION clients can come in once a month as long as they have need. Seniors, because of their limited income and often heavy medical expenses, can come in twice a month. Disabled persons can also visit us twice per month. The homeless can come in once a week because they take so little due to their circumstances.