Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. is a renowned publishing company located in the picturesque hills of the Ozark Mountains. Founded by Johnny and Dolores Cannon in 1992, their mission is to provide readers with accurate, intriguing, and educational non-fiction metaphysical and spiritual books, covering a wide range of subjects such as self-help, spirituality, meditation, healing, and UFOs. They also offer a variety of formats including CDs, DVDs, audio books, and e-books.
With two imprints, Ozark Mountain Publishing and Big Sandy Press, they cater to both non-fiction and fiction genres. Big Sandy Press specializes in metaphysical fiction, historical fiction and non-fiction, paranormal, and youth/teen books. Committed to expanding the mind and exploring fascinating possibilities, Ozark Mountain Publishing continues to be a trusted source for those seeking knowledge and enlightenment.
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