As a young man, raised on the Medical Model of Disease, I was skeptical of chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and anything else that didn't brandish the AMA's stamp of approval. So, when a friend of mine recommended her chiropractor for a cold and headache, I said that I didn't have a back problem. She just smiled and persisted. The good doctor gave me my first chiropractic adjustment and I left his office with no headache, no cold symptoms and a brand new perspective. I realized that the Chiropractic Model of Health was a message that needed to be shared. I was especially drawn to the notion of helping people discover, that life isn't about being sick and prolonging death, but about maximizing health, prolonging life, pursuing and living our dreams for as long as possible, and helping others do the same. So, in 1977, I entered Texas Chiropractic College. I graduated, with honors, in 1981 and have been practicing chiropractic ever since
We focus on pain relief, neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia relief, specialized clinical nutriton, cleansing and weight loss.