Marcia Lee has been providing Art Classes in the Valley for over 10 years. (formerly Fire & FriendsZ) Her goal is to provide an inviting space where anyone can experience the thrill and joy of the creative process. This is your place to learn all of the latest art trends. Affordability has been the greatest stumbling block for those eager to explore all the new exciting art adventures now available. Most programs require their students to buy all the necessary tools and supplies just to join in the Introductory Classes. The East Valley Art House provides over 100 innovative classes not offered in the Valley.....all using their tools and core supplies at no additional cost. Class are just $25 - $50 including supplies. Lampworking private lessons for just $40 a lesson. Lampworking studio time for just $5 and hour. All other Studio Time is just $10 for the entire day's use of the studio. Come to Play.......for just $10 A DAY!
Welcome to your new studio away from home. Our Tools...Your fun. Our goal is to provide an inviting space where anyone can experience the thrill and joy of the creative process. We want this to be your place to discover all of the latest art trends and even find how they can be combined into mixed-media works of personal joy. We offer a variety of art classes for any experience level. We also provide group or private lessons. We invite you to join us in the studio and look forward to creating with you. Call for class hours.