At Christian Alcoholism Treatment Helpline, our experts understand the whole problem must be treated. A huge point we wish to make to all of our current patients and all potential new patients is that an addiction is not controllable. It is common for the addicted person to feel as if he or she has complete and total control of their problem, but the truth is that the alcohol or other substance which he or she is addicted to has been plaguing the mind with delusions of control. In order to truly control one’s own actions, one cannot ingest substances which, by their very nature, remove this control away. We attempt to establish this as soon as possible during the process so that the patient is more open to help, because no forward progress can be made with someone who is still in denial. Give Christian Alcoholism Treatment Helpline a call today and our experts will help you or your loved one see the truth, and once the truth is accepted, proper change can begin.