Greengate School at Randolph is a renowned educational institution in Huntsville, Alabama, dedicated to providing student-centered learning and research-based instruction for students with dyslexia. Accredited by the Orton-Gillingham Academy, it offers a specialized program of instruction that caters to individual learning needs, while also providing a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences. With a focus on early intervention and specialized support, Greengate School aims to ensure the academic growth and success of its students.
As the only school in Alabama accredited by the Orton-Gillingham Academy, Greengate School has been serving children with dyslexia and related language-learning differences since 2002. In 2018, it merged with Randolph School, allowing Greengate students access to the wider resources and co-curricular activities of Randolph, while also providing earlier identification and support for reading difficulties to Randolph students. With its accredited Orton-Gillingham approach and commitment to being a dyslexia resource in North Alabama, Greengate School offers a valuable educational experience for students and families in the region.
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